R F A Class of 1969

Your Headquarters For Class of '69 Information
We Need Your Help
We'd like to make it easier for classmates to get in touch with one another, so we are trying to compile an email listing of all classmates. If you want to be included on this list please email your email address to me at josephus47@aol.com. In the subject line of your email please write "class '69 email". We suggest that married females use a hyphenated last name beginning with their maiden names. I'll get the ball rolling by listing mine first.
Agone-Turner, Mary Sue: alitsmom@gmail.com
Andrews-Newell, Carol: canew51@hotmail.com
Bidwell-Read, Ellen: the-reads1@comcast.net
Bole-Goetz, Bonnie: momgoetz@gmail.com
Bucknell, Rena Badge10@juno.com
Cania, Peter: petcan3@aol.com
Cooper, Joel: cooperjoel@verizon.net
D'Arrigo, Jo Ann: jada777j@aol.com
Ehlinger, Lawrence: lpehlinger@hotmail,com
Felice, Joseph: noah_felice@yahoo.com
Fontana, Joseph: josephus47@aol.com
Friedman, Helen: hfriedman5@earthlink.net
Garlington, Ray: ray.garlington@gmail.com
Goggin-Arutt, Ann: magabuff@aol.com
Grasso, Anthony: black89lotus@hotmail.com
Guglielmo-Bocko, Andrea: abocko@yahoo.com
Guida, Buzzy: pguida@duffysweeney.com
Hemphill-Francis, Mary: francisdzn@comcast.net
Howell-Snowden, Sally: sallyhsnow@earthlink.net
Hubiak-Norelli, Janis: nnorelli@twcny.rr.com
Illi, Orie: o.illi@myactv.net
Jones, Converse: converse.jones@gmail.com
Jovanovitch, Milena: mjovanovitch@gmail.com
Manfrates, Connie: cmanfrates@yahoo.com
Martinez, Ray: rdm909@msn.com
Miceli-Horsington, Tina: jmhorsington@yahoo.com
Mowry, Clayton: rcmowry@msn.com
Myers, Bob: rcm237@gmx.com
O'Meara Gratch, Kathy: kgratch@twcny.rr.com
Pantzer, Gary: gpantzer@hotmail.com
Potter-Hughes, Karen: rogerakaren@bellsouth.net
Premo, Tom: tompremo@aol.com
Reid, James: reidje5165@yahoo.com
Roller-Rosato, Karen: karenrgentile@yahoo.com
Sgroi, James: jsgroi1@twcny.rr.com
Smith-Pettinella, Elaine: cm357@aol.com
Smith-Walker, Linda: rustywalker500@hotmail.com
Trophia, Jack: trophiaj@comcast.net
Ward, Jon P.: kettlehole@protonmail.com
Yager, Mark: mapman1550@gmail.com
Yost-Martinez, Mary Ann: maryannmartinez694@gmail.com
This is becoming a bit of a habit, us meeting like this. But if you are reading this you really want to try out Wix. Go on then.